Warlock 1.01 released
1.01 has been long underway: Plenty of spells and items were added/removed/changed/rebalanced - and many of these changes has required thorough balance testing.
1.01 download Mirrors:
Warlockbrawl: https://www.warlockbrawl.com/files/wc3/Warlock1.01.w3x
Epicwar: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/249611/
Hiveworkshop: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/warlock-1-01-a-92687/
- Replaced Phoenix with a new thrust toggle
- Added new D spell: Phantasm
- Added new E spell: Burst
- Added several new combos
- Added new item: Mask & Sword (the one and only combo item)
- Split staff of fireball into two items (the staff which grants DPS and a new scroll which grants fireball bounce)
- Added command "-dfree" (distraction free) to ban all cosmetics
- New -rse/-rsa functionality: using a negative number works inversely
ex: "-rse-2" = KEEP 2 random spells per column
- Added host command "-unobs <playername>" to return a player to the game, but only works if the player was set as obs by host, not via -obs. It is enough to type the first few characters of a player's name ("-unobs zym")
- Added host command "-unobsid <player id>" to be used instead of -unobs if a player has a difficult name with special characters (red = 0, blue = 1, teal = 2, etc)
- Titles can now be either placed before or after a player's name
- Added new cosmetic items
... and more.
Bug fixes:
- All reported bugs and exploits fixed (there were many).
Many micro-balances have been made - and all are not listed here.
- Firespray now launches from one side to the other.
- Homing-pillar collision now results in AoE blast
- Lightning range slightly reduced
- Aegis gold cost reduced from 10 to 9
- Warden gold cost reduced by 1 (and sells for 1 gold per level)
- Induction now slows but has much lower DPS
- Bouncer bounce limit added: Bouncer will lose 30% of damage on each bounce. If the damage is less than 0.1, it will be destroyed.
- All RGC round matches are ranked (no longer exclusive to the 'RGC mode). Use -unranked to disable ranked play.
- Tutorial improved (-tutorial)
- Titles for the tournament victors
- Major optimizations
This version was developed by Zymoran and Sides.
Thanks to those who have continuously contributed to the development in form of suggestions, balances and bug reports.