Still looking for more! 15 players on the chat at this moment. Growing up , not fast but still growing! When we hit the cap about 25-30 active players we can move to the RGC and make it live again.
We mostly play like this.
Start gold: 40
Gold per round: 10-13
0 gold per kill/assist/most damage
Rounds 20-35
Yesterday it took 2hours to (almost , missing 2 rounds) finish great game.
random or 5 pillars
sometimes shuffle if the teams are equal in some point
sometimes but rarely chaning platform to donut
Top players as always
Smed (yeah fuck you :D)
Micke waiting for RGC going live
and some other good fellows
We use Entgaming to host the game ( setting !latency to 50 , the lowest we can use , server in German)
We can't afford to buy our host bot with less latency , sory.
We use chat only to giving u information we wanna play and asking if there are players that wish to join now or later. sometimes some friendly conversations but we dont want to spam your skype:)
To sum up
Come invite me and let's have fun together and don't cry about teaming up/to much or not enough gold etc etc :)