So I've been searching through my very old notepads today and I found out all the quotes I had stored on my bots during our glorious days. I valued them dearly and always looked through logs whenever I could. Now, they are yours. Read them and remember how fucked up, retarded community we were.
Some of them aren't that funny without the context, but still. Gold is gold.
[07:52:34 PM] <vasilisk[sand]> danger is 14 years old... He still has "I dont listen to grownups" syndrom
[08:15:40 PM] <Sashamon> oh god i hate myself
[08:26:50 PM] <Unreliable> damn klit got me loads of pussy
[11:10:21 PM] <From SlayerOfWarlock> wratho invite me :P
[11:43:13 PM] <ToraxXx> im 11
[05:03:04 PM] <Sashamon> judge by 1v1 like always you stupid hypocrits
[05:10:46 PM] <Armordine> i wana hear ur mum yell in the backround again
[05:17:58 PM] <Sashamon> long posts scare me
[05:16:26 PM] <Sashamon> u think zy has emotions? don't make me laugh
[07:24:17 PM] <Darkai[SanD]> when shamanno came u became totally other person, kolis
[02:45:22 PM] <Sashamon> jordy is random =o
[03:02:57 PM] <Mikey[SanD]> i want ur scalp kolis
[07:53:00 PM] <Shamanno1> let them have orgasm when they talk about me <3
[08:11:00 PM] <Mikey[SanD]> kolis ur so dead man, i report u to police now, we got ur IP
[10:07:22 PM] <Nuu> pedro left me? xDDD thats a lie, i left him
[09:30:39 PM] <Dim10> the point of the life is you try to pub your ass for cocks and that's discusting
Stats updated: TheKoliS [21063ms] is using WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in clan SanD).
[05:34:58 PM] <ToraxXx> i dont play with apples neither with cheeses cause my mom told me not to play with food
[01:18:05 PM] <Applecheese> I was born 1997, Im gay, I love boys, Im fat, Im shy; I never had sex or first kiss, i have no friends Im ugly I play with toycars
[05:13:34 PM] <Applecheese> lets leave armor alone in his own tragedy and go play chess?
[05:27:32 PM] <Talent174> sexi veri best lock clan
[10:12:10 PM] <ToraxXx> zexix 5 letters, troll 5 letters, coincidence?
[11:21:32 PM] <Unreliable> I can't masturbate so my mother jerks me off
[05:51:51 PM] -- NoPride [-1ms] has joined the channel using WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in clan AwE).
[07:25:38 PM] <Armordine> all I know is that I gotta spit / swallow my shit every 5 min. dentist said it was good
[07:49:02 PM] <Sashamon> armor is a girl? make me a sandwich
[07:56:33 PM] <Armordine> Kolis is on my to-kill list, I wrote his name in blood
[08:18:50 PM] <Armordine> I am a virgin.
[08:26:46 PM] <Armordine> I'm looking for love.
[02:47:48 PM] <Noobs_go_tohELL> wrath says smart than me:D
[04:26:20 PM] <Armordine> we'll = we will?
[06:38:45 PM] <Liidian[SanD]> I am the new Darkai
[07:39:26 PM] <Sides> if armor has aids, we don't have to worry about it spreading
[11:55:24 PM] <Unreliable> when I get a gf, I'll presuade her to dress up as Princess Leila
[10:09:24 PM] <Armordine> im disabled...
[07:31:58 PM] <MiikeShinoda> hi zulu, im here waiting for you as always, your faithful hound
[05:16:58 PM] <From Sashamon> brb fapping on my orange box
[05:48:13 PM] <MiikeShinoda> i havent been out of my house, except for school for what, 6 months?
[10:48:24 PM] <ToraxXx> <-- nazi
[10:49:08 PM] <Sulfuras> and my parents told me to fuck off
[10:27:03 PM] <Sides> kolis is the hero warlock deserves
[05:41:13 PM] <Dim10> cant stand the big cock
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:25 pm <Shaful> canceling your shots or scourges is overrated
Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:24 pm <Darkai[SanD]> I attacked my own clan because I am helpless and alone in this world, just need some love.. so I tried to build up a drama.
Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:32 pm <Torn> Is the drama what keeps you guys interested in playing?
Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:26 pm <Sashamon> i got nothing to do with my life :'(
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:23 pm <Sashamon> i'm "a follower & asslicker"
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:16 pm <Mikey[SanD]> Again to zymoran , ur bigger drama bitch then danger.
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:43 pm <Zymoran> I'm sorry dude, im sitting here busy calculating the retarded vector potential A at the center of a wire bent into a loop that carries a current that linearly increases with time. If I missed something in this topic, it is probably because I don't give a shit.
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:48 am <Sashamon> YEAH we love dram a :D that's so wonderfull about this community, drama everywhere
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:00 pm <Sashamon> i'm the biggest tard =D
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:29 pm <Evil[SanD]> Toraxxx is the most feared hacker in the whole universe
[05:47:24 PM] <Sides> so jolly destroyed sexi, we can agree?
[10:37:31 PM] <Mango.Pudding> i weighed like 120 when i was 12, but i didnt look fat at all
[11:28:26 PM] <MiikeShinoda> smed your so sexy
[08:52:45 PM] <Applecheese> i dotn like playing 1v1 cuz im too weak and losing always sux
[09:21:56 PM] <MiikeShinoda> you think your so cool saying Afk. [09:21:02 PM] <MiikeShinoda> afk
[09:52:10 PM] <MiikeShinoda> im really bored someone troll me
[06:27:28 PM] <123.own> btw i think grunt in awe is > shaman in sexi
[05:13:34 PM] <MiikeShinoda> i quit warlock
[18:33] Assassin[: I am rly fat
[18:40] cakephp: I am an admin on gaming platform. My life sux.
[10:43:43 PM] <Applecheese> my father wants me
[11:11:49 PM] <ToraxXx> my mother is actually russian
[08:48:43 PM] <MiikeShinoda> invite me kolis pls
[09:26:58 PM] <Assassin[> ive stopped warlock for lol^^
Posted: 17.02.2012 <Jolly_Jumper> A spell that would increase another warlocks spells casttime would probably be pretty hard to make
[08:20:21 PM] <Armordine> waking up 7 am in the morning gotta get my toung slurping
[10:23:38 PM] <MiikeShinoda> noone really likes me
Posted: 15.05.2012 <Sashamon> yea i heard it from whiskey that you did me while i did your sister because whiskey did you at that time so he could know.
Posted: 01.03.2012 <VengeanceBG> Sexi logo looks like a little chicken ... how cute :D
Posted: 17.02.2012 <VengeanceBG> Fireball got the lowest cd from all skills
Posted: 10.02.2012 <Jolly_Jumper> i've never ever started a flame war
Posted: 14.05.2012 <applecheese> I would be annoyed by unuseful text every shopping time, especially in 1v1 where i have to concentrate like shit and then i see some tips wrote by noobs like Jolly_jumper and feel like better quitting the game
Posted: 16.03.2012 <Zymoran> temp ban WITHOUT WARNING, where the duration D is given by the equation: D(k,n,N) = 2 hours * k * (n + 1) * 2 ^ (N + 1)
[12:05:56 AM] <MiikeShinoda> i can beat all of you when i am in the mood
[03:55:51 PM] <Applecheese> cock is tasty
[12:31] Unreliable: everyone leaves the sinking ship except miike, he gets promoted
[12:46] GIRL|EroticSideburns|POWER: ~ boyz r stupid ~
[18:10] ÷÷Excruciatinq÷÷: homing = boomerang size + self aoe hit + speed buff. tell me what is balanced about it?
[18:12] ÷÷Excruciatinq÷÷: losing R spell doesnt mean much
[22:11] icecomet: i live in retardland
[19:44] Smedenergod: After today some time with niggers and jews would probably be relaxing
[17:21] Excruciatinq: drain is horribly OP
[17:23] Excruciatinq: especially u smed ur aim is horrible
[17:47] Coolopotomus: thanks for that 10 cent psychology
[22:11] EroticSideburns: i'm so hungry i could eat food
[19:39] |ArrowˇMiikeShinoda: my dick is actually small
[18:10] Holy|ToraxXx: kolis brought me to warlock when we were chilling under our palm trees here
[17:42] Yologanjalover: i tell that i study on warlock
[00:16] Yologanjalover: im studying leanguages
[05:06] Ace|KoliS: glad our main admin is 10 years old so I dont get banned for porn
[20:22] nugget: d2= diamond 2
[19:39] Legend|Miike.: id say i like me but i dont so i got nothing
The_Tree: ironically enough I did watch some tentacle porns for research purposes the other day