Hello! I'm making this post hoping we can get enough feedback to make (mostly) minor changes to the game's current balance. Of course balance suggestions on all the spells are welcome, although personally I think the biggest problem for the game at the moment is that there are a bunch of new spells that are not competitive with the rest, so the focus should be on finding solutions to make those better.
I have a few suggestions of my own :
Burst : Allow movement while channeling
Arc : I think minimum damage for level 1 should be 7 and modulate from there.
Repeater : Increases movement speed + destroys missiles OR the projectiles could adjust their course very slightly.
Ghost : Allow to turn once, It could be useful especially now that we can channel scourge while using ghost OR, allow to fire spells while using ghost without it canceling
Vector : I think it should have a minimum regen of 2 hp, and we should be able to cancel it much like time shift. Also, I think the regen % should be bigger. Also, a very minor buff to the cooldown might be in order.
Cape : I think cape's regen has too much of an impact for the cost. I think we should either make it more expensive (5/5/5 instead of 3/3/3) and keep the same amount of regen or keep it the same cost but reduce the % of regen.
Lightning : I think we should reduce the knockback on lightning upgrades, the difference feels drastic between the upgrades.