I am trying to make a 2D Warlock Brawl with Unity.
You can download a test Demo here: (Updated 2018.07.15) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MbACMCPvjx4L46IqINzZVA3-Vr3w9bSW
Source code can be found here: https://github.com/xvzan/CircleBrawl
Sorry for my bad English.
中文玩家可以在下面下载国服版本。 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uAIy4-jk60MHcziVWyzghg
Hello, could you share a video of it on YouTube or Vimeo?
Myll You may find a video here at YouKu:
I just added the ping value at the top-left of the lobby panel.With that you may find the best server manually.
And press TAB in the fighting scene to check out all the skills.
Here is a 1v1 lockstep version demo. May have some nondeterministic problems. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MrQlPQC_d1m29_e6NbFikR4zc3nyU3UG Using Steamworks P2P connections,so you must have steam running to get lobby list.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/908660/Circle_Brawl/
No one in their right mind should pay $10 for a game like this. I don't think I'd download this for free with how it looks now. Image is so much more important than you're giving credit. It doesn't look cute. It doesn't look minimal. It looks like a lazy cash grab.